Health Services Assessment
Explore the viability of providing medical services
Health Needs Assessment
Analysis of workload needs for all services provided by a facility in terms of staff and facility space requirements
Facility Conditions Assessment
Evaluate existing facilities from both code compliance and functional/operational perspectives
PJD (Project Justification Document) &
POR (Program of Requirements)
Development Develop documents that provide the Indian Health Service and Congress the data necessary to justify funding and staffing.
Strategic Planning
Development of comprehensive perspectives on range and level of healthcare services to be provided. Conversion of those decisions into master plans and budgets for implementation.
Site Selection & Evaluation
Research and documentation of existing conditions, zoning, utilities, structures, topography, flood plains, archaeological clearance, native plant protection, geotechnical and hazardous waste remediation, etc.
Project Budgeting
Prepare comprehensive project budgeting including building and site construction, furniture, fixtures and equipment, A-E fees, communication systems, taxes and fees and art programs.
Process that establishes goals, facts, concepts and needs. The product is a comprehensive report on space and building system requirements.
Master Planning
Evaluation of opportunities and constraints on new or existing sites. Development of phased solutions as appropriate to meet project budget and schedule objectives.
Building Design
Includes the phases of Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development and Construction Documents.
Bid Services
Assist Client in marketing the project to prospective bidders. Respond to bidder inquiries. Prepare bid evaluation processes and evaluate bid results with recommendation on award to Client.
Construction Administration
Observe construction with the objective of construction in accordance with the plans and specifications. Support the Owner and Contractor to achieve project objectives in a spirit of collaboration.
Assist Owner and Contractor in testing of facility building systems to assure compliance with plans and specifications. Review Contractor’s documentation to assure building operation and maintenance requirements are met.
Warranty Services
Review completed facilities to assist Client in identification of deficiencies and Contractor notification prior to expiration of warranty.
Post Occupancy Evaluation
Review completed facilities and compare actual use / operation to that defined in POR and plans and specifications. Record lessons learned for remediation or use on future projects.
Peer Review
Provide design and code compliance review for projects designed by others at Owner’s request. These services are typically required by the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” as an additional resource to their technical staff.